beautiful, powerful and sometimes daunting So are we. Working with Nature and each other in community and consciousness is taking us into uncharted and awe inspiring territory lets be willing to boldly go where no one has gone.
Thermal Controlled Environmentally Sound Homes We manufacture a high performance; energy efficient building system that is wood-free, mold and moisture resistant
ENERGY STORAGE SOLUTIONS will provide a SMART INTEGRATED solution that is Green, Affordable, Efficient, and Sustainable!
Small Hydropower is the next wave in renewable energy and we have the model Small Hydropower - an untapped, vital resource in most countries.
The Problem with Electricity... ITS DIRTY Three General Causes... External Surge: A brief spike in voltage varying from several hundred to multiple thousands of volts
WIND MILLS Wind energy can be produced anywhere in the world where the wind blows with a moderately strong and consistent force.
Water is not "just water" anymore and has become the beverage of choice for millions people around the world "New water science" Enhanced and Alkaline (9.0 Ph)
Biotec solution was developed by leading German chemists and physicists 100% Safety shield against fire, moisture & vermin Bio-organic
Green Foam for Oil Spills Insulation and Construction Bio-based Urethane Foam: Our patented Bio-based foams are produced from plant based renewable resources.